Turkey Pumpkins

Turkey Pumpkins
Originally uploaded by jamileslie

Saw a version of this on one of my favorite blogs and was immediately excited to turn my Halloween decorations into Thanksgiving decorations! Talk about recycling! 😀 Went to Micheal’s and picked up a few pieces of .29 cent felt in red, brown, and tan and also picked up a pack of paper in fall colors which was about $2 after my 40% off coupon.

I then winged cutting out feather shapes by hand, partially because I didn’t want them all to be the exact same like a stencil would give me, but mainly because I was too lazy to make a stencil. 😀

I then arranged the “feathers” together in a fan position and tacky glued them together. In order to get them to effectively stick to the butt of the pumpkin, I cut out a circle in the brown felt and glued half the circle to the bottom of feather fan and that helped attach the feather fan to the pumpkin itself since the felt mold to the shape of the pumpkin.

For the head i just cut out two identical pieces in felt and glued them together about 3/4 of the way down. I left the bottom open to fit better over the stem of the pumpkin so it would sit up properly. Then used the red felt for that thingie that hangs off the beak. Yup, I have no idea what it’s called, so I’m referring to it as the “thingie”. Super technical term. 😀

The eyes i just cut out of of the leftover brown paper from the feathers and tacky glued them on.

Ta-da! A super fun Thanksgiving decoration and yet another reason for my boyfriend to make fun of me endearingly. 😀

Ref: www.bedifferentactnormal.com

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